Michael Redhead Champagne Michael Redhead Champagne

The Airline, The Airport & World Book Day

Every year, April 23rd is World Book Day! I was honoured to spend my first one as an author connecting with Winnipeg Richardson International Airport and Perimeter Airlines for 2 very special projects, one in person and one ongoing until October!

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Michael Redhead Champagne Michael Redhead Champagne

I Love To Read 2023

One of my favourite parts of this month is sharing books and messages that can empower kids to be themselves, share their gifts and learn new things. Take a look at some of my favourite books and some of the places I’ll be going to share for I Love to Read Month!

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Michael Redhead Champagne Michael Redhead Champagne

I Love To Read With Children's Hospital TV

Today I was overjoyed to spend some time reading to all the kids at the Children's Hospital in Winnipeg on Children's Hospital TV! I read one of my favourite books and did an activity with the folks watching to help us find, share and celebrate our many gifts. Thank you to everyone who helps make entertainment and education for the kids staying at the hospital, I know you make their time there a little easier and hobby a little faster!

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Michael Redhead Champagne Michael Redhead Champagne

Reading Things

Whether it’s going to the store, going to appointments in person and now during covid it’s figuring out which video/meeting platform, on which device, I have a tendency to “skim over” important details. Maybe it’s because I tend to do many things at one time, thinking I can multi task, because I am excited about many things I think I can extend the hours in a day but I can’t.

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Michael Redhead Champagne Michael Redhead Champagne

Animorphs & Me

I really needed to write a bunch of formal things, but I thought it would be awesome to write something just for fun to get my creative juices flowing. Behold, my reflection of literary youthful influences!

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