Reading Things
Am I the only one who has the bad habit of not reading things?
Whether it’s going to the store, going to appointments in person and now during covid it’s figuring out which video/meeting platform, on which device, I have a tendency to “skim over” important details. Maybe it’s because I tend to do many things at one time, thinking I can multi task, because I am excited about many things I think I can extend the hours in a day but I can’t. In the worst of moments, I acknowledge it is a combo of being busy, with being over stimulated and also being over confident. Reality brings me back to earth … a lot hahaha!
When I am going to the store, I have to have a list with me, but even that doesn’t always help. I can read the list all day, but if I don’t also read the label on the item, things can happen. Sometimes I will be aiming for a particular product like lettuce. Innocent enough. Well, I definitely know what a head of lettuce is and looks like, I grab it and go home. Guess what? It wasn’t lettuce at all - it was cabbage. The same thing has happened when I have tried to get corn from the store! I do my thing, get the corn, come home, get ready to cook only to discover… chick peas?? Michael strikes again. Moral of the story, you have to read BOTH the list and the items you are purchasing. How about going to appointments? It has happened in the past that I have shown up at both the wrong venue, also at the wrong time and have even spectacularly also done so on the incorrect date. How does this happen? I don’t know, but that’s why Angie and Dave are the ones who help keep me in line with my public speaking and professional work!! I struggle in a similair way with all the many zooms and teams and face times and all the platforms out there during this social distancing world we are in during the pandemic. It is also the reason why I can struggle sometimes with posting things on my blog or website or send emails without proofreading them first. Anyone else?
But what is the solution? If you know me, you know that I am an avid advocate for people to “write it down” or to “make a list”. But you can write all the things, but if you don’t keep reading, you’re gonna have a bad time. The solution is simple: read every thing, then check, double check and triple check! Good luck out there!
have a good day!