I Love To Read 2023

I love I Love To Read Month!

I have always loved I Love to Read Month. Now that I am an adult and educator I enjoy the opportunities to share my love of reading with students of all ages! This year I will be visiting a number of places for I Love To Read Month activities. Thank you to the in person and virtual opportunities to celebrate our love of reading and books with others.

One of my favourite parts of this month is sharing books and messages that can empower kids to be themselves, share their gifts and learn new things. I am also super excited because this month marks the 1-year-left point until the release of my first Kid’s book We Need Everyone.

Take a look at some of my favourite book to share here:

What are your favourite books to read?

Some of the places I will be attending include:

  • Children's Hospital TV

  • Eagle Wing Child Care Centre

  • Ecole River Rouge

  • Edmund Partridge

  • Forrest Park School

  • 7 Oaks SD Indigenous Youth Gathering

  • Splash Childcare

  • & more!


The Challenge


9 Highlights From 2022