Michael Redhead Champagne Michael Redhead Champagne

I Love To Read 2023

One of my favourite parts of this month is sharing books and messages that can empower kids to be themselves, share their gifts and learn new things. Take a look at some of my favourite books and some of the places I’ll be going to share for I Love to Read Month!

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Michael Redhead Champagne Michael Redhead Champagne

Buy A Book Give A Book (I Love to Read Month)

This is my first I Love To Read Month as an official author and so I want to celebrate! You’re invited to join me in filling up the We Need Everyone warehouse (its a mailbox lol) and help us get these books to kids in inner city, isolated, rural, remote ad northern communities!

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Michael Redhead Champagne Michael Redhead Champagne

Animorphs & Me

I really needed to write a bunch of formal things, but I thought it would be awesome to write something just for fun to get my creative juices flowing. Behold, my reflection of literary youthful influences!

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