Back to Normal
Not touching things, not coughing/sneezing in public and keeping space from people who may be sick kind of sounds like a good way to be to me. Not because of a virus, but because of respect for other people, because of safety, because of health. Let's include those precautions in whatever the new normal becomes.
The Palace Theatre
This week I shared with those who attended the virtual Annual General Meeting of North End Community Renewal Corporation that we have been in conversation with the owners of the building (the University of Manitoba) to see what we can do. Our next step is going to be setting up a community committee!
VIDEO: Growing Roses in Concrete by Jeff Duncan-Andrade
Did you hear about the rose that grew / from a crack in the concrete? / Proving nature's law is wrong it / learned to walk with out having feet. - Tupac Shakur
Your Favourite Places On Selkirk Avenue
I recently asked a very simple question on my Twitter account out of a genuine curiosity out of what folks would say. As usual, Twitter did not disappoint!! Many people chimed in also sharing their favourites and before I knew it I had a great list of things people liked. But then what?
Helpers, Advocates, Organizers & Rebels
We need everyone / this is re-sharing of a post published back in May 2016
Creating Your Community Call To Action
It is a hard thing to do to create a call to action that resonates with what you are trying to accomplish and rouses the community to action. Happy organizing out there and remember: celebrate, celebrate and celebrate!
Keeping Children Safe
It's a scary world. If you're scared for your kids it means that you are paying attention. There are many questions we can ask to address this fear, but the most important one I can think of is this: What does it mean to truly keep kids safe in such a precarious & ever changing world?