MC on BeCause & Effect Podcast - Episode 46

Lucky number 46 amirite? But in all seriousness, I wanna give all my love to Nolan Bicknell who hosts this podcast from the Winnipeg Foundation. This blurb describing the podcast comes from their website:

BeCause & Effect, hosted by Nolan Bicknell, is The Winnipeg Foundation’s podcast featuring longform interviews that take a deeper dive into why community champions are passionate about their Causes.

I answer burning questions such as what is the plural of the word “plethora”? I also talk about how to take a system wide approach to solving community level challenges, how much of my work has shifted towards self care & mental health in recent years. I have to say I enjoyed the standardized questions section towards the end of the episode and specifically answering this question “If money, politics and logistics was no issue at all, what is one thing you would do in support of your current cause?” My short answer was/is I would fund Manitoba 211 and a 24/7 network of health, harm reduction, community based, culturally safe workers available when families were in times of mental health and addiction related crisis. Read more about the current format for 211 the website (not a phone number…yet) on the United Way media release from 2017 and take a look at the website yourself at I also mentioned that Fearless R2W continues to be up to tons of awesome things as well as bringing an Indigenous Counselor into the classroom with Kids Help Phone on something called Action #20 program (read about Action 20 in the Finding Hope Report, click here).

Other awesome Guests

So once you listen to the podcast, I hope you take some time to dive into the previous 45 episodes that have been recorded with some pretty awesome people including my friend and fellow North Ender Mandela Kuet, Rick Frost himself and the legendary Fred Penner!


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