Your Favourite Places On Selkirk Avenue

I recently asked a very simple question on my Twitter account out of a genuine curiosity out of what folks would say. As usual, Twitter did not disappoint!! Many people chimed in also sharing their favourites and before I knew it I had a great list of things people liked. But then what?

My next action item was to throw it all into one picture and share it back with you! So take a look at the first draft of what I'm calling Your favourite places on Selkirk Avenue! I am thinking of setting a date in August to have a social distancing MC guided tour down the avenue to talk about these awesome places and buildings. Please let me know how you you feel and if I missed any of the places you love on Selkirk Avenue!


Here is a list of the places mentioned and what number on Selkirk Avenue they are located at! All of these places are open except where indicated.

  • CLOSED - Lao Thai - 763

  • Eddie's - 669

  • Thailand Foods 1619 - 617

  • Baltona Meats (& Building) - 600

  • The Merchant’s Hotel - 541

  • Perfect Place Catering (@ the Merch) - 541

  • Mennonite Central Committee Thrift Store - 511

  • The Donut House - 500

  • The Palace Theatre - 501

  • The North End Bell Tower - @ Powers

  • Jackson Beardy “Peace & Harmony” Murals - 470

  • Robin’s Donuts Building - 420

  • Money Mart Building - 413

  • CLOSED - Tasty Sausage and Meat - 338

  • Gangnam Style Sushi - 290

  • Gunns Bakery - 247

  • Ethiopian Society of Winnipeg - 215

Here are the places that got mentioned that are still in the North End (just not on this particular Avenue)

  • White Top

  • Luda’s

  • Pollock’s Hardware

  • North End Meats

  • Ukrainian Labour Temple


VIDEO: Growing Roses in Concrete by Jeff Duncan-Andrade


MC on BeCause & Effect Podcast - Episode 46