Why I Love “I Love To Read” Month
Whether it was scholastic book fairs where we could take a break from school to go and look at all the coolest new books that were out; the “Drop Everything and Read” chimes on the announcements interrupting gym glass or math so we could escape into reading; or simply the fact that everyone was encouraged to share in the thing I loved the most, I love “I Love To Read Month”!
Mino Pimatisiwin The Good Life Youth Empowerment Gathering
Michael is one of your hosts for this 90-minute live educational gathering will immerse you in the rich tapestry of Indigenous culture, music, dance, and history while honouring Residential School Survivors. It is designed to open a dialogue with young people about the truth of Canada’s residential school system.
Health Services Should Care For Us Auntie Style
“Auntie Style” means systems and workers are rooted in the concept of kinship and are able to provide culturally safe care. Check out a report that Indigenous youth from Winnipeg contributed to sharing their hopes for primary care for themselves and their loved ones.
Sowing Seeds Together
Thank you to the National Association of Friendship Centres for having me as one of their keynote speakers for their youth conference this year in Enoch, Alberta! Check out a couple of photos, my presentation and a few links I referenced in my presentation.
Video: Michael's Relational Activist Chronicle (UK)
At the invitation of Relational Activists and family helpers based out of Camden, London in the United Kingdom, Michael answered these questions and more!
How would you describe the work that you do?
What motivates you to do it?
How do you know it is making a difference?
I Can't Delete Your Number
I wrote this so I could let some of my feelings and sadness out.
“I can't delete your number, even though you're gone. I can't delete you as my follower or friend because it feels so wrong.
I can't remove your e-transfer or your email at all, I can't imagine not seeing your name as I scroll & type along.”
A Different Kind of Storm
This started as an Instagram caption from the end of the year in 2020. Since a big storm is expected to hit Winnipeg in 2 days, on my brithday, I have been thinking a lot about storms and what they bring to us.
What's Your (Zoom) Background?
Have you ever seen that account that rates people's Zoom/Skype/Video call backgrounds? I always get a kick out of them! Since some big changes are on the way (ie moving furniture around), I wanted to commemorate my current zoom background and share why it's so special to me.
We Don’t have To Wait
Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. I wanted to share some thoughts, on how urgent this situation is and how important it is for us to take action before the tragedy. Resources and links to mental health supports are included at the end.