What's Your (Zoom) Background?

Since the pandemic began in March of 2020, I've had to move almost all of the work I do to remote, virtual and video based work. As such I needed to establish a space where I could work from that felt like me. As you can see from the below photo, I feel like I may have achieved my mission haha! This is the wall opposite to where I have my computer, book shelves and white board set up. It's a great space that has awesome energy. It has served me well for nearly 2 years!

Everything's On Purpose

When you see this background behind my smiling face on Zoom/video calls, it might look like a mess, but I assure you that there is a method to the messiness! Allow me to explain a few of the elements of my awesome wall.

Star Blanket

This star blanket was gifted to me at the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre’s annual conference Lighting the Fires by 2 amazing kookums who made me feel so loved and supported. I am reminded of Ininew star teachings, the love of the grandmas and the importance of preserving and protecting Indigenous knowledge for future generations.


I often tell people that every pair of sunglasses is a story! Each pair is a symbol of a person I care for, a place I went to, an adventure that was had or something fun/memorable to that affect. These are my sunglasses, my actual prescription glasses are outta sight!

Globe, Crafts & Eagle

These belong to my partner but definitely make my background more classy and crafty!

Family Photos

Funny that both my partner and I had family photos in a very similair 80s-tastic log/tree background studio complete with cringey outfits! We didn't meet until way later but those pictures hang out together now.


My toys are the best! There are dinosaurs, Megatron, Bob Ross, M'Baku, monkeys and monsters! There are also jacket sacks, the annoying orange and a basketball signed by my late brother Wayne. I'm happy those toys are there because they are visual reminders that we can take care of our spirit and our inner child if we remember to play.


Lots of folks called me “the hope guy” and as a younger leader in the community I felt tons of pressure to always be hopeful, to always be optimistic - and nothing else! I was lucky to learn about things like toxic positivity and unfortunately even got burned out by not having healthy boundaries myself. I've learned now, am improving each day and am encouraging others to set healthy boundaries and learn how to say no.

North End, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Earth

There's a purple scarf I made that says I ♥️ the North End at the LITE pancake breakfast one of the years I hosted it at the Indian and Metis Friendship Centre. There's a Kal Barteski image that says “Winnipeg Is Our City” and a locally made glass ornament of the province of Manitoba. There's also an image of the planet and a peace sign on top of it that says “peace on earth” and I love it cuz it's literal AND it's like world peace!

Medicine Wheel & Star

I was fortunate to recieve many Anishinabe teachings from knowledge keepers over the years. In more recent years I've been able to connect with Ininew knowledge keepers from my nation and territory as well. Both of these glass sun catchers remind me of those nations and their teachings and how I was welcomed into many spiritual spaces.


Right now my letterboards are promoting my website, my catchphrase “share your gift” & the Ininew word wahkotowin (sp - wakotowin?). The last one I change from time to time and it currently says “the oceans 5 great garbage patches” because when I learned about them it really, really disturbed me. It made me want to take action but I don't know how….yet.


There is a graffiti, word art and art that is significant to me spiritually included at the top of the wall. I'm grateful for those beautiful art pieces and also wanna shout out Kal Barteski for making her second appearance on the wall with the quote “The Earth has music for those who listen”. Epic!

My Book Cover

We just started pre-sales for my first kids book that will come out in September. Click here to support We Need Everyone!


You may be wondering why I'm writing a whole blog post about my zoom background. Well, the answer is because I believe it has served me well for the whole pandemic and I wanted to commemorate it. Thanks wall, kinanaskomitin! The other reason is because I plan on moving around my home office soon and will have a brand new background with brand new meanings and significance!

Change is rarely easy, but I think we can embrace changes in our lives if we are grateful for the things that we experienced in the past, if we express that gratitude, if we acknowledge the memories and the lessons, and if we move on in a good way. I'm ready to see what the future has in store for me. Are you ready to embrace changes and step into the awesomeness coming in your future?

Bonus Question - why did you set up your zoom background the way you did?


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Ending Poverty in Manitoba