Michael Redhead Champagne Michael Redhead Champagne

The Palace Theatre: A Place Where We Celebrate Our Stories, Culture, Resilience

According to Michael Redhead Champagne, the North End is a neighbourhood of artists, storytellers and creatives. “We’ve lost too many community gathering spaces,” says the well-known community organizer. “The Palace Theatre can be a place where we celebrate our stories, culture and resilience.”

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Michael Redhead Champagne Michael Redhead Champagne

What's Your (Zoom) Background?

Have you ever seen that account that rates people's Zoom/Skype/Video call backgrounds? I always get a kick out of them! Since some big changes are on the way (ie moving furniture around), I wanted to commemorate my current zoom background and share why it's so special to me.

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Michael Redhead Champagne Michael Redhead Champagne

North End Arts & Cultural Centre Survey

Does the North End need an Arts & Cultural Centre? What about The Palace Theatre? Please share your thoughts in this survey and help us make these dreams come true! Thank you to North End Community Renewal Corperation for all their work in bringing this work to fruition.

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Michael Redhead Champagne Michael Redhead Champagne

Hand Made

So when I am presented with something that was hand made, no matter how in expensive the individual materials may be, the creation they share with me is a product of their love, generosity kindness and spirit. It becomes a magical, powerful and sacred object.

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