Grand Opening: Wayne's World Youth Lounge
Everyone is invited to the Grand Opening of Wayne's World Youth Lounge at Turtle Island Neighbourhood Centre at 510 King Street, Friday September 23 from 5-8pm. The evening will consist of visiting, sharing stories and as Wayne would have wanted, eating well!
Opposition To Proposition
So you got a problem? Well, don’t spend all your time obsessing about the things you don’t like! Check out these 4 easy to follow steps that can take you from complaining about what other people are doing, to inviting people to collaborate and building a solution together.
Journaling As Self Care
“Write it down” - this practice has also allowed me to be a better public communicator including speaking, media interviews and blog writing. I am able to take time to formulate my thoughts and decide which words are just for myself, what are the private conversations I need to have with others and what can be shared in the public realm.
Michael on The Joyful Project Podcast
Shout out to Andrew and the whole Joyful Project crew! I was recently invited to be their sixth guest, on their first adventure into podcasting and it was a blast! have a listen on your favourite platform, follow these folks on the socials and lets increase the joy in the world!
To the Educators Who Go The Extra Mile
To the educators who go the extra mile, who honour relationships with their students, who provide increased access to resources with no shame and provide safe spaces for connection that are increasingly valuable to the mental health of students: thank you for being so extra! We see you and appreciate you!
MACY Releases “Finding the Way Back” & “Lied To” To Prevent Suicide
This is a very important topic and touches very close to home for me as many of the young people I work with are this very demographic. Many will know from my public talks that I have had many personal encounters with suicide and that ongoing tragedy is why I work as hard as I do to create hope and change systems. Please read the full report & music video released today from the Manitoba Advocate for Children & Youth.
5 Reasons Why I Volunteer
It’s National Volunteer Week! Justice, time, energy are just 3 of the reasons I volunteer my time in the community to help address mental health, child welfare and systems change! Check out the full article to see all the reasons why I volunteer.
Free Mental Health Resources in Canada & Manitoba
How can we improve peoples wellness so that suicide never has to become an option? And as usual, the talking is only the beginning and much more important are the actions we take to move systems to be better.
Back to Normal
Not touching things, not coughing/sneezing in public and keeping space from people who may be sick kind of sounds like a good way to be to me. Not because of a virus, but because of respect for other people, because of safety, because of health. Let's include those precautions in whatever the new normal becomes.