Michael Redhead Champagne Michael Redhead Champagne

To the Educators Who Go The Extra Mile

To the educators who go the extra mile, who honour relationships with their students, who provide increased access to resources with no shame and provide safe spaces for connection that are increasingly valuable to the mental health of students: thank you for being so extra! We see you and appreciate you!

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Michael Redhead Champagne Michael Redhead Champagne

Compassion, Clarity & Coordination Needed In Manitoba Pandemic Response

All this information is overwhelming especially as many systems seem to go on pause over the holiday time. It is odd because it is also a time when many people feel we need our systems to be operating at an increased capacity the opposite is happening. So how do we respond when it feels like we have already been responding to the maximum of our abilities over the last 2 years?

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Michael Redhead Champagne Michael Redhead Champagne

Back to Normal

Not touching things, not coughing/sneezing in public and keeping space from people who may be sick kind of sounds like a good way to be to me. Not because of a virus, but because of respect for other people, because of safety, because of health. Let's include those precautions in whatever the new normal becomes.

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