You Are What You Wear

Who doesn't love a good hoodie these days? As we move into the cold part of Winnipeg winter, it's nice to see that there are increasing ways to support the village and the amazing community groups, leaders and businesses that make it so!

Here are 3 recent initiatives (lol, you'll see why that's funny) that have expressed themselves via fashion. Also thank you to every one in the community who is finding creative ways to support one another in these unprecedented times.

  1. mino bimadisiwin - I'm bias in choosing this one first. Together with Angie & POP this new initiative has produced a number of products in, so far in two exclusive pre sales! We have our classic black hoodie, also comes in white, as well as t shirts in a beautiful teal colour and the classic black and white. All of these are in a comfy material and celebrate “the good life”! Thanks to Modern Coffee (191 Inkster) for being our Winnipeg pick up location! Speaking of those folks….

  2. Modern Coffee - on Friday Modern Coffee, one of the most hip places to grab a mocha in the North End started selling black hoodies and black/red t shirts..on Saturday by lunchtime, they were sold out. I was happy to get in there quickly on this first limited run. Follow them on the socials to keep up to date of when the next drop of items becomes available.

  3. Anitiative - These young leaders emerged during a pandemic when our neighbourhood needed leadership and community. This beautiful burgundy hoodie was made in a partnership with Red Rebel Armour in Winnipeg and features their beautiful logo which are the hands of the kids who help take care of the neighbourhood each week. Read more about their work here.

Many more to celebrate

There are so many more local companies groups and brands that are creating fashionable merchandise that others can purchase and wear. I gotta say, being able to support our community in little ways like buying a hoodie or t shirt makes me feel like I'm getting or giving a big hug - which is a big deal during a pandemic when we can't hug each other in real life!

Who are your favourite local people doing awesome things? Whose local awesomeness do you like to represent as you go about your day? I can't help but believe in a time where people's attention span is only as long as it takes to scroll down a phone, we want a send a message even when we aren't speaking. I like wearing these specific clothes because I talk about the good life all the time and am grateful to Angie, Dave and others for making it so. I love Modern Coffee and all they do to represent our community in a good way from a business perspective. Anishiative is doing such good work taking care of the environment and being a good leader for our youth. So much goodness that I love celebrating, I'm honoured to support these awesome people, what they represent and am happy to say that I am what I wear!


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