Infiltration Manual Released (Youth Climate Lab)
Today is a great day because the Youth Climate Lab has released a very important document for young people who want to address climate change at the municipal level. I hope some of the youth in Winnipeg and in other cities take a look at the impact their cities have on climate change. If we all take a look around us and take action - we can really save the world.
“Thank you to Youth Climate Lab, the below information has been shared directly from their website. Please take a look and share with a young climate activist in your life.”
The Infiltration Manual aims to demystify municipal governance structures and provide youth with practical knowledge and tools on how to take climate action at the local level. It covers a range of topics, including:
An overview of the structure of municipal government
A roadmap on how to gather community support
Tips on how to present an initiative to Council
A variety of email, meeting, and petition templates
This manual is divided into three sections, each composed of several modules that serve as your go-to guide for all municipal government and climate action questions. Interspersed throughout the manual are examples and insider tips. Use the table of contents to skip to the modules most relevant to you.