Darryl Buck Featured in Season 2 Launch of Talking Stick Video Series

Relatives! Remember Talking Stick, the Indigenous Music video series that profiled awesome Indigenous musicians? Well i’ts back for Season 2 this Monday and is featuring Round Dance Singer Darryl Buck!! Read more about the launch of season 2 here and watch some of the videos from Season 1 here. I encourage all of you to tune in and support these awesome artists!

Monday, September 21 at 7PM CDT
featuring Darryl Buck
Watch it live at


A Story

Once upon a time in 2014, Darryl, his family and myself began a journey called All Good In The Hood that launched out of Meet Me at the Bell Tower as an answer to violence happening in community. We captured that moment in a song called HOPE, the title track from his 2018 debut album. It fills me with pride that Darryl has continued to share his music and I am so excited for him to be bringing the cree language, culture and sound to airwaves across the world. I wonder what his shape his next album will take, which concepts and teachings he will share and I am excited to be a part of the family as he takes these awesome steps. Take a listen people, Darryl Buck has arrived!

Helpful Links for Darryl’s Music:

Information below courtesy of the Indigenous Music Facebook event:

Season two of the Talking Stick video series is set to premiere this month, featuring live performances of original new music by First Nation, Metis, and Inuit artists along with on-camera mini interviews. Produced through the Indigenous Music Development Program at Manitoba Music, the four-episode series kicks off its monthly run on September 21 via Facebook and YouTube.


Talking Stick shines a spotlight on emerging artists and new music from the local Indigenous music community. It also offers the artists a chance to add professional-filmed videos to their own marketing toolkits, which can be critical for career advancement and accessing new markets in a business that relies on exceptional live video more than ever. Singer and hand drummer Darryl Buck launches the new season on September 21. Coming up: country act Martin Desjarlais on October 21, singer/songwriter Violet Vopni on November 21, and JUNO-nominated artist Tracy Bone on December 21. Produced with Kejic Productions, a Winnipeg-based company owned and operated by Cree/Ojibway producer and director Erica Daniels, Talking Stick was filmed on location at the Winnipeg Art Gallery. IMDP was launched in 2004 to help First Nation, Metis, and Inuit people develop sustainable careers in the music industry. The program delivers projects and services that respond to the needs of the industry as identified by a steering committee. The IMDP is supported by the Province of Manitoba and Manitoba Film & Music.


A proud father and singer from Mosakahikan and Opaskwayak Cree nations, Buck believes that growing up with his Cree family allowed him to connect with traditions of land, language, and ceremony. He has been exposed to ceremony and the hand drum since he was a baby and was taught by the men in his family about the relationship between singer, drum and mother earth. Learning those teachings and carrying the responsibility of a singer, pipe carrier, partner, and father have all positively impacted his life and career. Darryl was born, raised, graduated from college and started his family in Northern Manitoba. In 2014 Darryl moved to Winnipeg, MB where he founded and organized the cultural revitalization and anti-violence initiative All Good in the Hood. He can often be found speaking to students about the importance of hand drum, drumming for our relatives on Winnipeg's streets or travelling around Turtle Island to participate in various round dances. He has shared the gift of round dances with audiences in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and several locations across the USA. In August 2017, he released his first album entitled HOPE - which has been nominated for a 2018 Indigenous Music Award for Best Hand Drum Album.

Darryl believes music can be medicine and motivation for the next generation. He is of the belief that everyone has a song inside of them if only they listen to it. He hopes this music can be medicine that will help you find your own song.


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