“We Need Everyone” Available For Pre-Sale Now

I wrote a children’s book and it is a celebration of our many gifts! It’s called WE NEED EVERYONE and it was illustrated by an artist I admire named Tiff Bartel. I want to say thank you to the folks at Highwater Press for working with me through this whole process and especially Angie, Dave and POP Entertainment and Management for believing in me through all these years. So many people have worked together to make this possible, and I will take every available opportunity to yell my gratitude from the rooftops.

This book would not have been possible if the many people involved hadn’t shared their many gifts. I realize and understand how a successful and thriving community is interdependent upon one another as the development of this book was. Communities can be healthy and strong when we can acknowledge, nurture, celebrate and utilize the many skills, gifts and talents of the children, families and neighbours around us.

As you can see from the above image, I get to be in the book alongside many different children all with many different gifts. I also have to acknowledge how much I love that the star is consistent throughout the book as a visual respresentation of people’s varied gifts and of course, shout out to my cat Sushi who is also in the book!


If you have an opportunity to pre-order the book, please do. If not, please know that I am working behind the scenes on a number of ideas to see how we can get this book into the hands of as many kids who want it and remove any barriers of cost or distance that may be in our way. Get at me if you want to help!

Other than that, thanks again for walking with me on this journey and stay tuned as more announcement, projects and adventures are sure to be coming soon.


Ending Poverty in Manitoba


To the Educators Who Go The Extra Mile