Anatomy of A Blog

Hey there fellow bloggers and storytellers!

I was trying to think of which of my blog posts I wanted to work on when I thought it might be fun to share the different elements that go into each of the different blogs that I create. If you are reading this right now, chances are these different components worked together to bring you here!


Here are 7 things that go into each of the blog posts I create, what we are calling “Anatomy of A Blog”:

  1. Spirit - this is the whole reason you wanted to write in the first place. Maybe it is in reaction to something happening in the world or maybe you just had a really awesome idea, whatever the case, this is the spark that gets us going.

  2. Title & Banner - You want to design a nice to look at, custom graphic that can be used as the main thumbnail for the post. This is the little image that shows up when you share the link on social sites. Try to make it clear enough for others to see but also should look like you and your unique self.

  3. The Blog Text - What are you trying to communicate? You have to be organized and clear, double check that you don't repeat yourself and be as constructive as possible. Something I do is read my blog text out loud so I'm confident that anything I write, I'd also be comfortable saying out loud. I also tend to start with a list and then expand from there.

  4. Quote from Blog - choose one powerful sentence, from your blog and design it like the blog banner to entice people who like pictures more than words to read more. You could also make another alternative title, I am fond of what I call “the buzzfeed strategy” where I frame something on a list form (example, an alternative title for this post could be “7 things you can do to write an awesome blog post”)

  5. Website Tags - use Search Engine Optimization or other blog/website based features that increase how others find your blog and blog posts. Make sure to incude tags that will lead people interested in similair topics find your writing and hopefully use or share.

  6. Instagram Content - The idea is that you re-design your main content so that it is in a square shape and can be shared in a visually interesting way on instagram but also use the caption and hashtags to ride the algorithms and trending topics. Those square images are also quite useful on Twitter and other platforms as well.

  7. Social Sharing - Now it's time to publish your blog and post it on your many social platforms, your linktree & emails too. Tell the world! You might even need to look at what you did in step 6 and make new content or adjustments for specific platforms, be they Facebook stories, Tik Toks or more professional platforms like LinkedIn. You can also combine many of these things to create email campaigns and e-newsletters.

So as you can see there is a lot of work and a big structure that I follow whenever I am going to do a blog and lot of those extra steps have to do with knowledge sharing. It's not enough to have a good idea and know the spirit of the blog, I have to think of all the steps to make sure that when I share it people can see the information in the first place and understand in as many different ways as possible.

Please let me know if you have a different way of putting together your blogs or if this has been helpful for you!

Happy writing!


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