
Things sometimes don't happen on the timeline we expect them to. It can be easy to fixate on the fact that no, it didn't happen.

Sometimes we reach out to people and they are too busy or emotionally unavailable to reply to us. It can be easy to fixate on their non response, because it didn't happen.

Projects, entrepreneurial endeavours, career aspirations and other personal and professional goals can sometimes feel far away because they aren't happening right now.

But when we introduce one word, everything can change.


The thing didn't happen, yet.

The person didn't respond, yet.

My goal has not been achieved, yet.

The power of this one word anchors your statement or objective in this moment and time. It tells you what is, right now. But it also acts as a personal challenge. It can help us to reframe our thinking, re-imagine timelines, be open to things as they happen and welcome the coming work it will take to make our goal a reality.

Emotions will come with this. You may be emotionally or physically exhausted from all of the adjustments you have to make.

You may feel defeated as your initial goals are left incomplete or are in quiet progress.

You may also be confused or conflicted, with various plans or ideas that can sometimes be at odds with one another, the helpers are not obvious, the next steps unclear.

Even if you are tired, feeling defeated or don't know what to do, please know that all of your feelings are valid. Acknowledge and own them as the temporary emotions that they are.

This next idea that can change how we approach our emotions as we, once more, anchor that emotion to this moment.

For now.

You feel tired, for now.

You feel defeated, for now.

You're uncertain, for now.

It's ok to have these emotions because the actions you take today can alter the way you feel in subsequent moments. For me I am action oriented when I want to amplify positive emotions and minimize negative emotions so I can get on with the revolution.

If you're tired, rest. If you're defeated, take a break and do some self care/community care. If you're uncertain, do more research, ask for advice, plan multiple scenarios out to the end and sit with the possible results.

Let your actions do the thinking when you don't know what to do.

No, I may not have everything I want yet.

And I may feel defeated, for now.

But I will acknowledge my emotions, care for myself and appreciate the many good people, victories and opportunities I do have in my life.

I believe that when the timing is right things will work out.

I know that the best way to predict my future is to create it. And for that, I don't need to wait, I can take action today.

I hope you take the time you need for your feelings, find a clear way forward and take the necessary actions you need to. Remember the magic words "yet" and "for now" can help us process delays or difficulties and put us in a better place to plan our next steps even when the timing is not what we wanted it to be.


Say That To My Face


Grand Opening: Wayne's World Youth Lounge