16 Mental Health Tips in the Time of COVID-19

I recently hosted an Instagram Live chat where I spoke about mental health tips in the time of COVID-19. I was happy to be joined by my friend Clara Hughes and many other awesome people who contributed their own tips, comments and questions. Throughout the chat, I relied on my trusty white board and colourful markers to keep track of the awesomeness.


Find below a summary of the 16 items of self care:

  1. Be kind to yourself

  2. Go outside - vitamin d is a real thing we all need

  3. When I think of them....reach out! Don’t say you’ll do it later, call or message right now

  4. Smile! Kindness from a distance can brighten someone’s day safely

  5. It's ok to think small - let’s manage our expectations of ourselves & others

  6. New Motto during time with physical distancing: LOWER, SLOWER, GENTLER

  7. Meditate

  8. Talk: to yourself, your pets and your plants

  9. Accept my mind aka love yourself and all your quirks & imperfections

  10. Sing…because it feels good and others love to hear it.

  11. Affirmations: tell yourself good things, “I am awesome”, “I can do this”, “I am gifted”

  12. Play - have fun or create. If you don’t know how, children do this very well!

  13. Write something - let your feelings out

  14. Read something - let your imagination run wild & learn stuff

  15. Smudge or participate in any safe and accessible ceremony

  16. Spend time with sacred items (clothes, jewelery, books, songs)

What tips and tricks that support your mental health have been useful in these times of physical distancing? I'd love to hear them in the comments or on social media. I want to take this final moment to express my gratitude to all of you for reading & learning a little bit of how I see/understand mental health and wellness!

Take care and stay safe!


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